Thursday, July 12, 2007

once again.

"once again..." Isaiah 14:1

Second chances are available in God's economy of grace. He offers it willingly for those who want to repent, for those who want to return; He gives it freely to those who want to try again and have another go at it. I am whole-heartedly thankful for His mercy because I need it daily.

I think I'm struggling a bit with taking full advantage of all blessings He does supply; I'm so busy right now with school that I have been trying to organize my time according to my standards, by my needs. I'm taking control of the circumstances; I'm taking the reigns in my own hands . The result of acquirement for independence is probably evident in how I feel right now...lousy.

God's grace is never-ending. He wants us to go back again, and again, and again to replenish and refill our spirits with what is good and pure. Even when we do become so empty that we just want to give up, His arms are open for us to return. It's never too late. It's not "once upon a time" like in the fairy tales, which implies past tense. It's "once again" and this is in real life. He wants us once again.

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